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Death to Imposter Syndrome: Take up all the space, sis!

Happy New Year, yall! I pray all is well with you and that 2024 is starting off the way you need it to! Let's get into how 'Imposter Syndrome' will have zero power over you this year!


For those who don't know, imposter syndrome is described as, "self doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high achieving individuals". So basically, if you've ever been bomb at your job, performed well (under pressure and/or effortlessly) and still felt anxious around or inferior to your peers or that you simply weren't good may have been experiencing imposter syndrome. And let me tell yall something, this thing will cripple you, ok?! It will have you questioning your self worth, your abilities, your talent, and your gifting. And this usually causes you to shrink, right? You may not share ideas because you don't feel they're valuable or you may second guess every decision you make. If you see yourself in anything you've read thus far, repeat after me, "Not this year"!

For those who have felt small in the workplace, higher ed, ministry--wherever! I want you to know that your steps have always been ordered by God. From the time you got the 'feeling' that you wanted to complete a specific program or get a certification to work and serve in past positions, up to where you are now. So wherever you find yourself, there is purpose for you! It may be for you to learn something specific before moving on, it may be to make a difference in a particular area or to be the light for a specific individual. You've got to remember that you are equipped to do whatever is set before you, in a way that only you can! Your expertise matters. Your ideas are valuable. YOU are a high achieving individual with experience that is needed. Baybeh! Your resume speaks for you! You have every right to take up space in the work place.

When anxiety regarding performance rears it's ugly head and you start to feeling a little pressure in your chest and wondering if you've simply tricked everyone into believing you belong...meditate on these words:

  • "We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ".-2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (Message version). Sis, every warped philosophy regarding you not being good enough or not belonging in your work space is a lie. And you have the power to reject it versus adopting and nurturing it! Remember, our thoughts influence our behavior!

  • "I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well". -Psalm 139 (AMP version). Girlahhh! Walk in to work, school, and/or ministry KNOWING that God didn't make no mess when He made YOU! You are wonderful work of the master Creator--with purpose! Your soul (mind, thoughts) knows this! Again--what you think about yourself matters!


I pray that this year, you believe that you deserve to take up space, wherever you're led in the marketplace, higher ed, and/or ministry. That you boldly speak up and out and that you allow God to validate your worth--not quotas, productivity, being published, speaking engagements, or the opinions of fickle people. You are not where you are by happenstance. You belong, you are valuable, and you do matter. You got this!



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